Monthly Archives: October 2012

Le Maroc, vers une crise alimentaire ?

L’organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture, FAO, a averti le Maroc sur le niveau élevé de pauvreté dans le pays ces deux dernières années. Elle a révélé dans son dernier rapport, que le pays est menacé par l’insécurité alimentaire et que presque deux millions de Marocains n’ont presque rien à manger (Assabah).

Je rajouterai qu’avec l’envolée des prix des biens alimentaires sur le marché international dû à la vague de sécheresse de cet été, en plus du bas stock de devises dont dispose le Maroc et qui sert à payer nos importations, le pays coure un risque important au niveau de sa sécurité alimentaire.

Un signe ? Le Maroc n’a pas encore reçu de réponse à son dernier appel d’offre pour importer 300000 tonnes de blé des Etats Unis. Preuve, que les grands exploitants du premier exportateur mondial de blé ne sont pas prêt à répondre à la demande extérieur car leur offre est limité et bien évidemment la priorité est pour le marché intérieur.

Je me demande comment le gouvernement pourra gérer la situation, surtout avec l’impératif de restructuration de la caisse de compensation.

Mais disons que nous avons toujours la carte de la Ligne de Précaution de Liquidité et “qui correspond bizarrement à une année de compensation (près de 54 milliards de dirhams)” (Economie & Entreprises N°152).

After this football game, this is how I feel as a Moroccan.

It’s been a real long time since we had an homogeneous Moroccan National Football Team. A homogeneity that we’ve been able to feel among our national team players during this game against the Mozambique.

So now, I have a question: Is it with Moroccan coaches or foreign coaches that we were able to get the best results? Since my first memories, and according to my empirical observations, it is definitely with the Moroccan coaches !

But I am a bit skeptical about the next games of our “Atlas Lions”. I fear that they don’t keep their feet on the ground and get an excess of self confidence, which can have in my opinion negative repercussions on their performance.

I must also say that the moments where I’m proud of my country are very rare, and Zaki & its selection were the first to make me proud of my country. I am a patriot, but the only moments that I can feel proud of my country is when our Moroccan National Football wins with great results and performance.

This is due to the situation of Morocco on the economic side and specially on the social and ethnological sides, but I’m not writing today to talk about the pain that we carry with us as Moroccan but I’m writing today to say that the “Atlas Lions” have made me proud and, believe me, I’m not the only one.

Football in Morocco is not just a national sport, but it’s the opportunity for once and for all Moroccans to feel proud of being Moroccan.

Leila Ghandi : My first inspiring Moroccan woman

First of all, before telling you why is she the first Moroccan woman who was capable of inspiring me, I must say who is she. Laila Ghandi is a photographer, a journalist and an independant filmmaker (before becoming at TV host on the Moroccan Channel 2M) who travels the world seeking a give and take from it by :

  • learning from her cultural experiences in the different countries where she travels, and by
  • sharing these experiences using her camera.

This video may be interesting for French speaker, a video where she briefly summarize the spirit of her work and her leitmotifs :

So why do I find her so inspiring ? Because I consider myself as a “Walker through life”, which means that I like to explore all what life can give as as experience and Leila Ghandi definitely illustrates this as I truly believe that the best way to fully explore life is to travel around the world seeking those kind of cultural experience.

This is actually the first thing that caught my attention. But of course, when you come to learn more about someone, you tend to see other facets. Sometimes you found that person more inspiring or… you get disappointed.

But she just became the first Moroccan woman who truly inspires me. She made a from her passion a great work. By this, she’s not just telling us that you can live by your dreams and passions BUT she also telling us that you have to give and take, that passions and dreams are not just individual experiences but a collective one when you share what you learned for those experiences with the world around you in order to share its benefits.